Hi Folks!
I'm Kimberly and I'm the resident blogger here at Kimberly's Ramblings.
I joined the blog world back in 2011 when I started my book review blog
(You can visit my other blog by clicking the link or the image)
The reason I started Kimberly's Rambling was because I love to cook! The blog actually started out as Kimberly's Kitchen Adventures, but I changed it to encompass more. I have a passion for beauty, travel, cooking and crafts so that's what you'll find here on my blog along with posts about events I go to etc. Expect Reviews, Giveaways and guest posts!
...and I also tend to state the obvious when I'm trying to figure out what to say.
Mainly I'll be posting recipes, many of which I've gotten inspiration from Pinterest, magazines and other cooking blogs but I may do the occaisional product review and/or cookbook review.
Mostly I just wanted to indulge in my passion for cooking and trying to cook healthier meals for me and my Mr. (Who I will be referring to as Mr. Turning the Pages) because thats how my other blog followers know him.
I can be contacted via e-mail at this e-mail address:
(just copy & paste it)
And thanks for stopping by!
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